Are you passionate about cooking? Do you like to cook? Have you thought about sharing your knowledge with others? Do not hesitate, take a look at these templates to create a web of recipes.
we will not deny, the kitchen is fashionable. Perhaps because of the wave of crafts and handmade things, perhaps TV shows, perhaps for whatever reason, but the boom of the kitchen is here, and seems to have come to stay. That is why many recipes mushrooming web network with great success.
All stoves have consulted a web of recipes for us with new dishes in our personal "letter". In this article we will show you the best WordPress templates to perform a web of recipes. You are ready? Well, let's do this!
Basil is a responsive theme for WordPress. What is responsive design? Well that is suitable for viewing on all kinds of devices, whether computer, mobile, tablet ... So do not worry if you want your website look on mobile devices, because it is perfectly displayed. All templates that will show in this article, are responsive.
Basil acts as if it were a social network of recipes. This great template offers the possibility to register to post recipes that later can be voted by different users of the web and also commented. If you only want a template to publish your recipes without this social component, do not worry, with Basil also you can do.
Basil has a clean and simple design, which emphasizes readability of its content and usability of the page. Elaborating on what we want, which is the way to show the recipes, Basil is a theme only valid for many reasons. We have the possibility of voting recipes, multiple custom fields such as cooking time, diners, different categories, ability to print the recipe, you can share on social networks ...
But perhaps what I have most attention is the structure of the chip recipe. Here we can go through boxes validation checking, the ingredients that have added to the recipe; also it comes very clearly each of the steps, and so we can even list the ingredients for each of the components of the dish.
For list more features of this great theme: sliders on the front page with the latest recipes, integration with WooCommerce, parallax text on the cover, foot last tweets, blog, contact form ...
The price of this template is $ 49.
Recipe is another theme Responsive WordPress which also has the same social component having Basil. That is, registered users can send recipes that later will be published on the website to be voted and commented on by other users. But you know, if this is not for you, you can disable without any problem.
If the above theme did you think full, hold the males with Recipe, because they come curves. Recipe has many customizable filters so that visitors can access the recipe you are looking for with ease. On the cover, using icons, the user can filter by the type of dish, that is, if it's a dessert, or a dish of meat or fish ... But if we enter the list of recipes, filters are more complete , allowing search by fields such as category (cited above), type of cuisine, ingredients, keywords, and even set the order in which search results appear.
If you look at the record of the recipe, we can see that the completism is the main quality of Recipe. We have fields for all. Since the preparation time, cooking time, time emplatado, difficulty level, diners ... to information related to the nutrition and calories, saturated fat, sugars, carbohydrates, proteins ... We also have the possibility to upload a gallery of images and a video tutorial recipe so that visitors are not lost. As in Basil, we both check boxes ingredients and steps for users to keep track of those who have done and what not. All recipes can be shared on social networks.
On the cover we can show a multitude of information. From a slider with the latest recipe published until favorite recipes, latest recipes, the most votes, the most viewed, highest rated ... I mean, everything you need to have a perfect recipe website.
The price of the template is $ 49.
Talisa has a fresh and fun design, which highlights the headlines and a certain taste for the flat design and full-width images. This theme also has the option for users to submit recipes, prior registration. But as you know, unless you want your website to be a social network of recipes, you can turn smoothly.
In my view, Talisa only stands out from the others in its elegant design. On the cover we can show a large and colorful slider with the latest recipes that have been added to the platform. You do not mistake my words, Talisa is a great theme for a web of recipes, but is not as complete as the previous ones.
The recipes tab has the basics to allow users to capture dishes normally. Among the characteristics of this theme include: ability to mark as favorites certain recipes, custom fields, integration with social networks, ability to print the recipe, different filters and categories to find recipes, contact form ...
The price of this template is $ 44.
And here the best WordPress templates for a web of recipes. I hope you liked it and know to apply to your own projects.
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