Google PageRank measures the importance of a website is according to the Google search algorithm. This importance lies in the number of other sites that link to the site and the relevance of the content of these other sites is compared with the website to be ranked. The classification of each site that links to the site to be ranked also plays a role in the end of its PageRank value too. This classification system prevents websites to get high rankings in the search results keyword stuffing or other negative tactics of optimizing search engines, because it allows websites to be evaluated according to how important that is to find other sites.
The importance of PageRank
Google Rank of a website is not the only factor that determines placement in Google searches, but does play a role. Websites that are highly ranked by Google are more likely to put on the first page of a search because the value of PageRank of the page indicates that it is a reliable and trusted source according to other websites ordinati- well. Increase PageRank of a website increases their visibility in the world in general, improve the site's ranking in Google searches and provide valuable links related to reliable and relevant web sites inside.
improve Ranking
Two factors are involved in improving a range of websites from Google. One concerns the site itself, while the other consists of websites that link to it. Increase the size of the website with the addition of new pages increases the maximum PageRank value that can be assigned to the site, but not necessarily increase the value of PageRank itself. Provided that all the pages are relevant to the topic and then share the link internal pages may have some effect on PageRank, but external links are even more valuable. Increasing the number of sites that link to a website can have a positive effect on the PageRank of the page, even if the values of relevance and PageRank of those sites remains an important factor in the amount of an increase in additional links provide.
Losing range
Websites can lose rank with Google as well. Links counterfeiting by creating fictitious websites for the sole purpose of connecting to your web site may harm your score PageRank of your site, you can pay others to link to your site, even if your site is not relevant to the content their sites. The loss of inbound links can also lower your position, especially if the links are removed from websites with high PageRank that previously connected to your site. Google cuts its low ranking position in the search results on Google site if the reduction is severe enough.
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